Dream About fields

Gillian Holloway Interpretation: To dream of fields and pleasant places, shows to a man that he will marry a discreet, chaste, and beautiful wife, and that she will bear him very handsome children.

And to a woman it betokens a loving and prudent husband, by whom she shall have be&utifui children.

Raymond Buckland Interpretation

If the fields are overgrown and wild, you will lose control of things unless you get down to a lot of hard work.

If the fields are ploughed, you will have a wonderful opportunity to “plant seeds.11 If the fields are rich with harvest, you will receive abundance.

Indian - Anonymous Interpretation

Very great prosperity.

To walk in green fields shows great happiness and wealth. Everything happens good. Scorched fields denote poverty.

Internet Archive - Anonymous Interpretation

Fortunate happenings of a personal character —agreeable and pleasant friends, hospitality, and merrymaking.

Katherine Taylor Craig Interpretation

Fertile fields, a dream of prosperity; barren fields, disappointment (Gypsy); a symbolical dream.