Pamela Ball Interpretation: also see Animals
1- To be in a farmyard in a dream (if it is not a memory) shows us as being in touch with the down-to- earth side of ourselves. There are many facets of behaviour which can be interpreted in animal terms and often this type of dream has more impact than one including people.
2- Our natural drives such as a need for physical comfort, herd behaviour and territorial rights are best expressed in a safe, conserving environment.
3- A farmyard is an enclosure in which we may feel safe and, to some extent, looked after.
Dreaming of one shows that we are within safe Spiritual boundaries.
Psychological / emotional perspective: Our natural drives such as a need for physical comfort, herd behaviour and territorial rights are best expressed in a safe, conserving environment, symbolized by the rural idyll of a farm. As time goes on the image of a farm or farmyard is superceded by the commercial requirements of a working farm, analogous with our own working environment.
Material aspects: To be in a farmyard in a dream (if it is not a memory) shows us as being in touch with the down-to-earth side of ourselves. There are many facets of behaviour that can be interpreted in animal terms and often this type of dream has more much impact than one including people.
Gives gender-specific: The agricultural environment is an easy way to learn about procreation and conservation. In both men’s and women’s dreams a farm or farmyard may symbolize such issues. You might like to consult the entry for animals for further qualification.
See farmer under roles.
Dreaming of such a place shows that we are within safe spiritual boundaries.
Care or expression of your natural drives, such as sexuality, parenthood, love of fellowship; the down-to-earth side of self; area of your animal propensities where territorial struggles, fighting over mate, etc. are expressed. See farmer under roles.
farmer Feeling easy with sexuality and material world; practical, down-to-earth feelings; care of “animal” side of self; earthy wisdom; the easy reversion to earthy or instinctive behavior—such as hunting to kill, or unrefined sex. See . fireman How we deal with our passions or outbursts of emotion or anger; dealing with misplaced energy or personal emergencies involving passion, burning pain or fiery feelings.