Dream About facial injury facial deformity

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: A dream of a face is likely to be about the image you present to the world, so a swollen face may refer to self-importance and a blemished face to a character weakness or defect. A dream of injuries to your eyes or ears may simply refer to being unable to see or hear—or unwilling to see or hear—what is going on around you, rather than to any disease. A dream of being struck on the mouth or slapped across the face suggests an inability to get your point across, whilst dreams of injuries to your nose suggest difficulties getting to know other people intimately in your life.

Hair is an important sexual symbol for both men and women, so dreams of being forcibly shaven might be a symbol of castration or a sign of subjugation. Baldness in the dreams of both sexes suggests anxiety, not about going bald, but about a lack of intellect, either your own or someone else’s. Dreams in which your teeth fall out are very common and almost always associated with self- image or fear at having spoken out of turn (See also Tooth entry in BODY).