Dream About escaping from a tornado

Ian Wallace Interpretation:

Dream: Although this dream often starts off with you being in a safe and secure place, such as your home, you usually have a deep sense of foreboding that something disruptive is about to happen. As you look into the distance, the sky becomes darker and you see a destructive and powerful storm approaching, usually in the form of a whirling tornado. You may be able to escape but it seems inevitable that you will be caught up in the chaos. Instead of fleeing, you cling on to whatever solid objects you can, and hold on tight as the tornado wreaks havoc around you.

Meaning: When you dream about the weather, you are reflecting on all the eventualities and outcomes that you can’t possibly control in your waking life. Like the weather, there are some aspects of your life that aren’t under your control and this dream often occurs when there is something potentially disruptive looming on the horizon. In a dream, the sky symbolizes your thinking and so this impending disruption may be causing you to have some dark thoughts. The whirling tornado represents a mental turmoil that you don’t want to be drawn into because you know that it might be quite upsetting for you. It can be very easy to get caught up in a whirl of negative thinking and find yourself being carried away by it all. You may be able to step out of the path of the oncoming disruption by standing aside from the developing situation. If it seems inevitable that you will be caught up in all the turmoil, the best way to stay grounded during this commotion is to hold onto what is stable and secure in your daily life. Like the eye of the storm, you will often achieve clarity of thinking and vision when the disruption is at its most powerful and strongest. You can’t contain these whirling thoughts, you can only shelter from them until the situation blows over. As the storm subsides you realize that you are a stronger person than you thought and a lot of unnecessary anxieties have been blown away.

Action: This dream is forecasting that a wind of change may be about to start blowing through your daily routine. Although you may not be able to prevent this transformation, you can use it to your advantage by making the most of the disruption. Rather than just waiting for the imminent chaos to arrive, make a plan to ensure that you can look after yourself and those who are close to you. It may be difficult to stay grounded but by sticking to what you know and trust you will find it easier to weather the storm and emerge unscathed after it has all blown over.

Background: We are often unaware of the air that envelops us all and the atmosphere can seem like a largely empty space, so it can come as a huge surprise when this apparent emptiness generates forces powerful enough to disrupt and destroy solid and stable structures. Tornadoes often form during volatile and oppressive weather conditions such as thunderstorms where the atmosphere fills with powerful air currents. This dramatic weather pattern has come to represent our inner turmoil, as disruptive events often seem to appear out of nowhere and threaten to wreak havoc with our daily routines.