Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- An entrance in a dream has the same significance as a door (see Door), representing a new area of experience, or the new experience itself. Such a dream often signifies the need to make changes, to create new opportunities, perhaps to explore the unknown.
2- When we need to be in touch with the hidden side of ourselves, the intuitive or more ‘knowing” side, and have the knowledge and ability to experience ourselves in new ways, we will often dream of a secret entrance.
3- Because of the symbolism of moving from the external to an inner enclosed space, an entrance signifies the Eternal Feminine.
The entrance, often a door, gate or similar, will often open outwards.
Psychological / emotional perspective: When we need to be in touch with the hidden side of ourselves, the intuitive or more ‘knowing’ side, and have the knowledge and ability to experience ourselves in new ways, we will often dream of a secret entrance, usually opening inwards.
See door.
Because of the symbolism of moving from the external to an inner enclosed space, an entrance signifies the eternal feminine. It can also symbolize a new beginning.
New experience or new area of experience. A secret entrance: an attitude or psychological “stance” that opens a new experience of self, or allows access to parts of oneself usually inaccessible. See door under house, buildings.