Dream About endless pregnancy

Ian Wallace Interpretation:

A dream in which you are constantly pregnant, with no indication of how long the pregnancy may last, suggests that you are holding on too tightly to an idea or ambition that you conceived a long while ago. Although other people may be offering you attractive inducements to produce your idea, you are concerned about the effort it may take. Commit yourself to bringing your idea into the world. Even though you feel there may be a messy and challenging process ahead, it will turn your idea into reality. Consider the benefits of enjoying the rewarding conclusion of your efforts. You have the opportunity to create a uniquely wonderful outcome. What steps do you need to take to make one of your long-term plans happen? Dreaming of the actual process of giving birth suggests that you now have the opportunity to bring that concept in life. Giving birth in a dream indicates that there is a situation in your waking life in which you can turn one of your ideas into practical reality, even though you may have conceived that idea quite a while ago. You have been carrying that idea around in your thoughts for some time and now you are realizing that the time is ripe to bring it into the world. Realize that this long-term ambition may require a short period of serious effort and hard work. It may seem uncomfortable and intensely laborious at times, but the outcome will be worthwhile. You may also need to ask the help of others to facilitate the final push needed to turn what you have conceived into the outcome that you desire. Acknowledge the opportunity and the potential reward, make the commitment and persist. Dreaming of having a difficult birth reflects a slightly different challenge: the difficulty of making one of your ideas an actual reality. Being involved in a difficult birth in a dream suggests that you are meeting with lots of resistance in pushing your idea out to a wider audience. It seems like you are the only person who can make this happen, but that can be because you are cautious about asking for help. Seeking assistance from other people is not a weakness. In fact, it is likely the best solution to your conundrum. You may feel that having other people involved will diminish your achievement, but that is misguided: you will still be the person who conceived the idea and brought it into the world. If you experience the opposite type of birth in a dream, where you suddenly and unexpectedly give birth to a baby without any difficulty, a much easier path lies before you.