Dream About emotions

Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- Within the framework of a dream our emotions can be very different to those we have in everyday life. They may be more extreme, for instance, almost as though we have given ourselves freedom of expression, or we maybe able to notice that there are strange swings of mood.

2- Occasionally in order to understand a dream it is easier to ignore the symbols and simply work with the moods, feelings and emotions that have surfaced. Doing this will yen,- often give us a clearer interpretation of what is going on inside us, rather than confusing ourselves by trying to interpret myriad symbols.

3- Our emotional requirement, particularly responsiveness, to something which is a more subtle energy permits us to begin the process of development.

Martha Clarke Interpretation

According to some psychologists, we dream to relieve and stabilize our emotions.

Otherwise, we would ultimately explode. Sometimes when we dream, we feel very strong emotions impossible to experience in real life. According to Jung, they come from the less developed part (the shadow) of our psyche.

Some superstitions recommend interpreting dreams by reversing the emotions provoked. If, for example, you dream that you are angry, it means that soon you will receive good news.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: Within the framework of a dream our emotions can seem very different to those we have in everyday life. They may be more extreme, for instance, almost as though we have given ourselves freedom of expression, or we may be able to notice that there are strange swings of mood. Thus joy is extreme pleasure and despair a lack of hope. Negative emotions such as the latter are often easier to acknowledge within dreams rather than in real life.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Occasionally, in order to understand a dream, it is easier to ignore the symbolisms and concentrate on the moods, feelings and emotions that have surfaced. This will often give us a clearer interpretation of our state of mind, rather than confusing ourselves by trying to interpret myriad symbols.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Our emotional requirement, particularly responsiveness to the more subtle energy of spirituality, allows us to begin the process of self-development.

A ‘lifting of the spirits’ is indeed a change in consciousness and perhaps a reaching towards something beyond ourselves.

DreamForth Interpretation

To dream of emotions can be a manner for which people play out the way they may not normally act. This is considered a harmless way to get out hash feelings that are building up inside.

Common Source

Studies have conclude that our emotions expressed in our dreams are often linked to repressed feelings in our life. Often what is unknown or below the surface emotions tend to be direct in our dreams or something take shape as different type of symbols. Common emotions that are known to manifest is sadness, anxiety, anger, disgust and fear. By tackling these issue head on may in fact change who you are as a person.