Dream About disposing of a body

Ian Wallace Interpretation:

Dreaming that you are trying to dispose of a body by some unofficial method can indicate that you are trying to bring some aspect of yourself into life rather than finally laying it to rest. Disposing of a body in a dream symbolizes that you feel that circumstances may have forced you to conceal some essential aspect of yourself in waking life. This may be a particular creative talent that you feel you had to abandon to meet the expectations of other people. Realize that you have an opportunity to resurrect a neglected talent and choose whether you want to reveal it to other people or conceal it so you will be accepted by them. In which situation might you be in grave danger of abandoning an activity that would make your life more fulfilling? If, contrastingly, you dream that you are accountable for the death of the person, it indicates that you feel personally responsible for abandoning your creative talent. When you dream of being guilty of murder, this represents a waking-life situation in which you are actively trying to eliminate some creative aspect of your character. This aspect seems to be at odds with how you currently see yourself and appears to be incompatible with your idealized self-image. What creative aspects of your character might you be trying to eliminate because they don’t seem to fit in with the self-image you want to project? Rather than trying to conform to this sense of who you are, give yourself the authority to behave more naturally so that you can have the freedom to find out who you really are deep down. If you dream of large-scale death and destruction, rather than just the deaths of individuals, then this suggests a major transformation in your day-to-day life.