Dream About destruction loss of control

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Dreams of your own death or the death of a loved one do not mean that you or someone you love are going to die; they do, however, require you to take stock of your health and the way you manage your life. Many dream experts believe that dreaming of your own death can signify a rebirth, the shedding of the old and a new beginning. In many cases, these dreams represent being involved in painful relationships or unhealthy habits or situations that have a destructive effect on you. Dreams of actually killing or murdering someone or being killed or murdered yourself in a dream are not very common, but if you do experience such dreams they may indicate deep and unresolved emotional and psychological conflicts that are interfering with your emotional and psychological health in waking life. There is a part of you that feels dead or out of control or there is a part of your life that you wish would disappear. Such dreams of murder or killing can also express violent and powerful rage. What is making you feel so angry in waking life?

Dreams that present you with undisguised imagery—the roof falling in on you, or your car stalling on a motorway—may be warning signals to pay greater attention to the care and maintenance of yourself and the things around you. Other common images in nightmares and bad dreams include: menacing strangers, clifftops, dark woods, alleys, forests, heights and depths, land or sea storms, earthquakes, tidal waves, terrorist attacks, outbreaks of disease, friends or family who suddenly become cruel, dangerous, old or ugly, guns, knives and other weapons threatening you, car or plane crashes and being lost. All these scary images leave you with a sense that your place in the world is uncertain or shifting. You are out of control in a big way and your sense of self is eroding. Dreams in which your whole world is rocked or changed are clear symbols of fear, anxiety and a crisis in confidence. Dreams in which you sink slowly but inevitably into quicksand or are swallowed by an angry lion usually represent feelings of being overwhelmed in waking life. Dreams in which you are drowning have a similar interpretation.