Dream About cypress

Martha Clarke Interpretation:

Although it has a long life, it is the tree of cemeteries. Its image has to do with death, but also with eternity. It symbolizes the passage of time, death, and the beginning of perpetual existence. It represents the transition from the physical life (perishable) to the spiritual life that lasts forever. In the Middle Ages, it was considered a sign of welcome. A pilgrim who felt well taken care of in a monastery would plant a cypress at the entrance, so other pilgrims could tell that in that place they would be welcome. Thus, we can say that its symbolism is very complex. 

Eric Ackroyd Interpretation

(1) A cypress tree symbolizes death and mourning.

See also Dead / Death.

(2) Being evergreen, however, it also symbolizes immortality; the hope of new life on the other side of death.

See also Dead / Death.

(3) Of course, a cypress may have special significance for you: perhaps, for instance, you associate it with a Mediterranean holiday in which you experienced something meaningful.

Garuda Interpretation

Symbol: The tree of the righteous, the cypress is a sacred symbol of life, connected to the gods of the underworld.

Vision + Depth Psychology: Seeing a cypress means a sad event or setback at work or at home. Planting a cypress: somebody is going to die.

DreamForth Interpretation

To dream of a cypress tree represents the notion of death, the underworld, and the unconscious. It may likewise refer to a stage of mourning and misery.

Klaus Vollmar Interpretation

See Tree. Memories of vacations. Longing for Warmth. Slender and graceful.

Folklore: Troubles.

Internet Archive - Anonymous Interpretation

An unfortunate dream, usually a premonition of trouble. Be cautious and it may be avoided.

Katherine Taylor Craig Interpretation

A dream of sorrow and mourning (Artemidorus); symbolism agrees with the dream.

Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett Interpretation

This tree on its own signifies sad news concerning friends.

See also Trees.

Ibn Seerin Interpretation

(See Evergreen)

Marsha Trimble Dunstan Interpretation

things of earth that resist God’s Word [water] (see Genesis 6:14).

Cathleen Connor Interpretation

A cypress tree may indicate the desire to travel to a Mediterranean destination. It also signifies the mystical qualities of wholeness, immortality, security, and wisdom.

Mary Summer Interpretation

(tree) stands for grief; a mourning time

Julie Gillentine Interpretation
