Dream About crooked line

Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- When a line appears in a dream as crooked, there is usually the need to register the oddity, as being out of balance or off-kilter. There may be some insinceritv in our dealings with others.

The line may be any sort of line, such as a queue of people, a line of cars or whatever.

2- We must acknowledge our own ability to be diverted from truth and honesty.

3- Deviance from the norm in a spiritual sense can be a falling away of the standards we have set ourselves.

If we are aware of this on a spiritual level, a crooked line will often appear in a dream.

Dream Meanings Anonymous Interpretation

To dream of a crooked line (e.g. drawing, line of people) symbolises the likelihood that we might not be being completely honest in our dealings during waking life.