Theresa Cheung Interpretation: A computer is a symbol of the rational unemotional part of your mind, but it can also suggest your personal potential or abilities, your memories and stored information, and even your unexplored potential. The computer and other high- tech gadgetry are such a part of our lives now that their meaning depends very much on the other images in your dream.
If you work a lot with computers, they may simply be a means to an end but they may also be a reminder of your potential or abilities. Keyboards have replaced typewriters and are—along with slots for floppy disks, CD-ROMs and DVDs—Freudian symbols of female sexuality. Computer screens or monitors are associated by Jungians with the search for knowledge in cyberspace, whilst computer hackers are associated with Jung’s trickster archetype in their ability to bring chaos to order. The computer hard drive can represent conscious, physical and material side of you, with the software representing your inner self and the curser and mouse the direction your life needs to take.
If a cursor is frozen or a hard drive crashes in your dream, this could suggest obstacles and blockages that stop you progressing in waking life.