Dream About components of a building

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: If you dream of a balcony, ledge or sill, this suggests a need for support and protection in your life. An elevator or lift in a dream usually suggests how we deal with information.

If the lift is going down, we may be going down into our unconscious for self-understanding, whereas a lift going up could represent moving towards greater self-understanding. Halls or passageways in a dream can, for Freudians, represent passages within the body, such as the vagina or penis. On a psychological level, they can suggest how we let others invade our personal space. On a spiritual level, passages can represent the different stages of our life. A hall is the center of a building and to dream of entering a hall may therefore represent the beginnings of a journey towards self-awareness.

According to dream lore, to dream of a long hallway suggests a period of worry ahead.

Walls in dreams indicate potential blocks to your progress, or difficulties you may be up against in waking life. They suggest obstacles that are stopping you from getting what you want. This may be something from real life or something within yourself. Perhaps you are being like a brick by refusing to show your feelings, or have come up against a brick wall with a particular problem or issue.

If the wall looks old, this suggests the problem is old.

If the wall is made of glass, this suggests problems with perception.

If the wall is closing in, the dreamer may feel trapped by their current lifestyle. A brick wall, rampart or dividing wall all suggest the difference between everyday life and the inner psychological state. According to dream lore, if you find a gateway through a wall, this is a sign of good fortune.

See also entries for doors, rooms, stairs, staircase and windows in HOME.