Dream About compensatory theory

Tony Crisp Interpretation: Jung, Hadfield and several other dream researchers believe the dream process is linked with homoeostasis or self regulation (see Man and His Sym­bols, Jung; Dreams and Nightmares, Hadfield; Mind and Move­ment, Crisp). This means that the process underlying dream production helps keep psychological balance, just as homoeostasis keeps body functions balanced. Put bluntly, dreams are said to compensate for conscious attitudes and personality traits. So the coldly intellectual man would have dreams expressive of feelings and the irrational, as pan of a compensatory process; the ascetic might dream of sensuous pleasures; and the lonely unloved child dreams of affection and comfon. Although dreams can be seen as self regulatory, this narrower view of compensation is only seen in a few dreams.

See computers and dreams; sleep movements; sci­ence and dreams; sleep walking.