If you have seen Colors in your dream: You may have opportunities in the first half of the week in business-related topics, you can get very close to something you want financially. Seeing colors in a dream means that the dreamer is a cheerful person, will live a good life, and treat people with respect. If the colors are independent of each other and do not suit each other, it is said that the dreamer will have problems with people, he will be at odds with them, and he will be known for his moodiness. It indicates that the person who sees white color in his dream will win the love of people with his clean heart. The colors seen in the dream have a unique meaning, bright and beautiful colors are always attributed to good and auspicious things in dreams. The interpretation of colors in dreams varies according to colors.
To see colors in a dream refers to the unity of the basic factors that make up the whole. If the colors seen in the dream are colors that suit each other, it denotes acting moderately, being in harmony with people and behaving within the framework of tolerance. If the colors are independent of each other and do not fit together, it indicates contrast, moodiness, incompatibility, and weakness of reasoning ability. The person who sees the color white in his dream has a pure heart, and his thoughts and feelings are based on extremely good will. The colors seen in the dream have a unique meaning, bright and beautiful colors are always attributed to good and auspicious things in dreams. The interpretation of colors in dreams varies according to colors.
Dreaming Lens: Dreaming in color is often viewed as a particular phenomenon that sets a dream apart from others you have. There is an implication here that if a memorable dream is thought of as vibrantly filled with color, other dreams must be in black and white by comparison. However, all dreams are likely to be experienced with various intensities of color and the memory of vibrant color is just one more way the unconscious is speaking to you.
This section deals specifically with the general meaning of colors as universally accepted in reference to the spectrum of visible white light. Use this information to add texture to the meaning of a symbol if a specific color was indicated in your memory of a dream. This can refer to anything, from the quality of light to the color of an object.
Personal Focus: Light is experienced as white, but if refracted into separate wave lengths, the naked eye can perceive the seven distinct bands of color that make it up. Seven is an important number in numerology, as it represents spirituality and higher thought. One of the applications of this significance is the chakras, or energy points on the body that corresponds to a gland in the endocrine system. By aligning the colors of the spectrum and the seven chakras, the foundational and universal meaning to colors is generated.
This is only a starting place, as many permutations and personal associations will alter the meaning of colors as you interpret your dreams. However, consider the logic of even some of those permutations. For example, green is the color of the heart center, but is also associated with jealousy or being green with envy. Though these are very different emotions, love and jealousy are both products of the heart. Yellow represents the emotions, but has come to signal caution in the Western world. Again, very different life experiences actually have the same origins when examined closely. It is in paying attention to our gut feelings that we are made aware of when to exhibit caution. The following guide is meant as a foundation and starting place for symbolic interpretation.
For specifics on the seven spectrum colors, see below:
1. Red Base of spine Security, grounding Testicles
2. Orange Genitals Sexuality/creativity Ovaries
3. Yellow Belly Feelings Adrenal gland
4. Green Heart Love/healing/center Thymus gland
5. Blue Throat Communication Thyroid gland
6. Indigo Third eye Intuition Pineal/pituitary
7. Violet Top of head Spirituality Above the body
Red: The first color of the spectrum, red is associated with security and grounding. This energy is connected with the base of the spine and the testicles in men. Often thought of as a color of passion, red aligns with aggression and sexual expression in the masculine principle. We stop at red lights, creating security for ourselves by avoiding the danger of oncoming traffic. Blood is the essence of life force itself and, therefore, related to being grounded in our physical body.
Orange: The next color of the spectrum corresponds to the area near the ovaries in woman and the lower belly in men. Orange is also related to sexuality, but through the feminine principle of intimacy and transformation. It is the color most associated with creativity.
Yellow: Yellow is the color of emotions and gut feelings and is appropriately centered in the solar plexus, creating a relationship with this area of the body and the color of the Sun. This is where we experience our feelings and the rapid shift from one state to another. Associated with the adrenal gland, yellow connects to adrenaline, the chemical manufactured by the brain that creates anxiety, sudden bursts of energy, and the fight-or-flight response. This is reflected in the use of yellow to indicate caution in signage and traffic management. Of course, many emotional states are very pleasant, which is embodied by our experience of sunlight as warm and comforting. This chakra is also associated with self-worth and how one relates in the world.
Green: Green is the color of the heart center, which can be confusing due to the representation of the heart as red, made especially prominent in Western culture with Valentine’s Day. However, green is the central color of the spectrum and the heart is considered the center of both our physical and our emotional bodies. This connects the color green to love, healing, and all matters of the heart. It may be easier to understand the meaning of this color if you consider the Earth and Mother Nature’s love affair with the color green. Keeping with traffic signal analogies, if you go when the light is green, that is like following your heart’s desire to move forward. When the heart is soured by hurt, green can turn to the menace of envy.
Blue: Blue is the color of communication and connects to the body through the throat and the thyroid gland. There is a connection between our metabolic activity, which is regulated by the thyroid, and the effectiveness of our communication. Through our voice, we communicate with others, but it is through our energy levels that we commune with our immediate environments. Other communication concepts associated with this color are the blueprints that communicate the structure of something not yet created. The call of a hospital emergency is known as a Code Blue. Before a brochure or magazine page is printed, the early version used to finalize the design and layout is known as the blue line. When blood circulation diminishes due to a drop in body temperature, the lips will turn blue and communication is hindered. These are but a few examples that may not relate to a specific image; however, when the color blue is prominent in your dream, incorporate issues of communication into your interpretation.
Indigo: Indigo is an elusive color—many people would be hard pressed to describe it or identify it upon sight. Since intuition shares some of these same indefinable characteristics, it is ironic that the two are linked. Somewhere between blue and violet, indigo is the sixth color of the spectrum and vibrates with what is known as the third eye, the point behind the forehead that is the seat of inner vision. The pineal and pituitary glands correlate with this color, which contains yet another irony: the first regulates all of our body’s rhythmic cycles and the latter stimulates growth and incites the onset of puberty. They perform these functions at the right and perfect time, as if guided by intuition.
Violet: Violet is the final color of the spectrum and is considered the most spiritual. It is connected to the crown of the head and, therefore, not encumbered by the demands of the body. In this way, it is the vibration that is connected to us, but reaches upward into higher realms of energy. There are many examples of violet— more commonly referred to as purple—being associated with spirituality and high levels of consciousness. Merlin, the wizard from the King Arthur tales, is often depicted as wearing a purple hat; the Purple Heart represents ultimate bravery; and in Catholicism, during the holiday of Lent, all images of the Christ are covered with purple. People who meditate with discipline report seeing violet light as part of the trance experience.
Black: Thought of as the absence of color to some, in the world of physics, black is actually the presence of all colors in the object that embodies it. It is the color that absorbs the most light, retains heat and is associated with death as it is the opposite of life affirming white. As the color of mourning, black clothing represents the social construct of receiving consolation. When we are in mourning, we are surrounded by people who share in our sadness. In the same way that a black shirt will absorb all wavelengths of sunlight, a person in mourning wears black in order to absorb the light from those who surround them. In the world of fashion, black has a connotation of being trendy and sophisticated. Nighttime is when blackness reigns, bringing secrecy and the ability to hide into this color’s symbolic meaning.
White: Purity and wholeness is represented by white, as this is the unification of all the colors of light that are visible to the human eye. For some, white is the color of highest spirituality. For others it connects to the perfection that arises out of the absence of contamination as in virginity and chastity. An object that appears white reflects the light back outward, absorbing none of the individual colors of the spectrum. It is in this concept of reflecting the light that shines onto you back out into the world that embodies the high consciousness associated with the color white.
This is one of the reasons why many people believe we only dream in black and white. Some people do only dream in black and white, but many of us also dream in color.
If you are one of those people who notice and appreciate colors in waking life, you are far more likely to notice them in your dreams. Yet because most of us regard color as being incidental to the action, we don’t pay attention to it in our dreams and tend not to remember it when awake. However, focusing more attention on the color aspect of your dreams may help lead to a richer, more accurate and fulfilling interpretation.
For example, let’s say you dream of a statue that falls from its place on the mantelpiece and crashes to the floor. Your interpretation would probably initially focus on the symbolism of the statue crashing, but if you also recalled that the statue was actually green in your dream, then another possible interpretation could be added using the color symbolism of green, which is typically associated with jealousy. So could your unconscious be warning you that your jealousy, or someone else’s jealousy, will lead to unhappiness if it remains unchecked?
Color is a vibrant part of symbolism. This is partly due to tradition and partly due to the vibratory frequency each individual color possesses. Research has been carried out to discover the effect of color on people, and it has been shown that working with color can impact your mood, your thoughts and even your behavior. The effect is so significant that psychologists use color testing for emotional intelligence reports. Not surprisingly then, the colors in your dreams can tell you a great deal about your emotional state. So, if an individual color, or collection of colors, dominates or features in your dream (such as wearing a color you never usually wear), its symbolism will be significant, as color always evokes a strong emotional reaction. Try to work out exactly what that color could represent, as it is likely your subconscious is trying to comment on something by using that particular color as a symbol. Since many colors have archetypal feelings and emotions attached to them, the approach taken by Jung is considered helpful. However, it may be—because of an experience you have had with it—that a particular color transcends a Jungian meaning Dream colors have symbolic associations attached to them but, as is the case for all dream images, their meaning can vary from person to person because you may have your own personal and special associations with that particular color. It’s important to bear these associations in mind. Ask yourself whether the color reminds you of anything or anyone: a specific person, a body part, a childhood toy or some other object? For example, the color red may remind you of the first bike you ever rode, which was red, or the bunch of red roses your partner gave you on your first date together.
In a nutshell, the message from your unconscious when color features in your dream may be connected to your personal association with that shade, or it may have archetypal significance. Take a look at this chapter for some clues to its symbolic meaning and to ascertain your personal association. In this context, it might help to think about how you would describe the color to someone who is blind. What personal feelings and thoughts arise when you think of red, blue or yellow, for example? Bear in mind that as well as human emotions, colors also emphasize and reflect positive or negative forces in your life; so when you are considering the implications of color in a dream, you also need to think about where they appear: on animals, trees, birds, people, yourself and so on. As with all dream interpretations, trust your gut reactions first and look for the associations that make sense to you.
For a medium, every living thing has an aura (an energy field around the body) of a particular color. In this sense, the oneiric meaning of colors is related to the spiritual value they are traditionally associated. So, red is sensuality; orange, purity; yellow, inspiration; green, recovery; blue, healing; purple, clairvoyance; black, disease; brown, stability; and white spirituality.
Dreams involving people of a color other than your own are generally lucky omens pertaining to money and/or business, unless the people were some exotic shade like green or blue, in which case the dream probably had a digestive origin and no significance.
For example, a bride wears white and black is worn at funerals. Colors also represent energy.
The meaning that you give to the colors in your dreams depends on the meaning that you give to those colors in daily life.
If you “see red” when you are angry, then red symbolizes anger and not passion for you. Some generalizations have been made as to the meaning of colors in dreams. They are as follows. Black: depression, sadness, despair. Some believe it symbolizes hidden sexual desires. Blue: spirituality, optimism, positive thoughts, communication. Some believe that when you see it in your dreams, you may be in the presence of your spiritual guide. Green: money, jealousy, health concerns, love. Red: passion, sexuality, anger, warning. White: purity, transformation, cleanliness, dignity.
See also: Pink, Yellow, Brown, Purple, Orange
Depth Psychology: The meaning of different colors in dreams is discussed in the chapter on “Colors in Dreams.” Colors are an indication of mental attitude, inner voice, and depth of emotion.
Brown: The color of the earth.
A need to get down to your roots, or to the basics of your problems.
Green: The color of grass. When green is prominent in your dreams, it indicates growth and abundance.
Orange: The color for life and new beginnings (perhaps tied in with the sunrise).
Purple: A color of richness and luxury.
Red: The universal color for danger and excitement.
Yellow: Many Gypsy vardos are painted yellow. It’s a color for happiness, and for love and family togetherness.
The significance of each of the colors, arranged in the order of their luckiness, is as follows: Red: a long and vigorous life. Blue: peaceful and harmonious family relationships. Green; ability to make money. White: distinction in the community in which you live. Orange: you will own your own home. Purple; sufficient money for your needs. Yellow: jealousy will be shown toward you, Brown; accusations of dishonesty. Black: bad luck generally.
The shades and variations of colors have a bearing on their significance; the brighter they are, the more propitious.
Dreaming in color is often viewed as a particular phenomenon that sets a dream apart from others you have. There is an implication here that if a memorable dream is thought of as being vibrantly filled with color, other dreams must be in black and white by comparison. However, all dreams are likely to be experienced with various intensities of color, and the memory of vibrant color is just one more way the unconscious is speaking to you. Light is experienced as white, but if it is refracted into separate wavelengths, the naked eye can perceive the seven distinct bands of color that make it up.
A single color seen in a dream can be interpreted only in the context of the dreamers relationship with that color. For example, the color red may be experienced as love, romance, and sex. For someone else, or in another dream, the color red may denote blood, death, and destruction. Black may mean evil, witches, and black cats, or sophistication and elegance.
(See individual color entries.)
To dream in color and then dream in black-and-white indicates that you are changing your outlook on about a situation or issue. You are starting to look at a situation from a more impartial position rather than making decisions from your heart.
Each color has a specific meaning that is important and should always be researched accordingly
The color blond in a dream means war, sickness, piety, honor or a religious person. In a dream, the color blond also means contemptibleness, vileness, meanness or depravity. Black colored eyes in a dream represent a religious person.
A bluish-black colored eyes in a dream connote opposing one’s religion. Blue eyes in a dream entail religious innovations. Green eyes in a dream represent a religion that is different from all religions.
The color green in a dream also represents a good harvest or prosperity. Green in a dream also means youth or fear of wrongdoing. In a dream, the color blue represents distress, depression, enmity, or it could mean a calamity.
The color red in a dream denotes joy, celebration, spirituality or dominion. Red means the world or material gains. In a dream, the color maroon or a reddish-brown color signifies dignity, nobility, power or it could represent a wealthy woman.
The color purple in a dream represents a brilliant, skillful and a beautiful woman, or it could mean fragrance, instability, sickness, love and harmony. White in a dream also means beauty or it could represent elderly people.
A black flag in a dream means a man of knowledge, a white one representsjealousy, a yellow flag represents an epidemic disease and a green flag means a journey by land.
A black cloud in a dream represents a just judge while a white cloud represents a blessed, noble and true justice. Awhite thread in a dream represents the dawn and a black thread in a dream represents the night.
If one sees his cheeks radiant white in a dream, it means honor, bounty, or it could mean achieving a high rank in one’s community. Unknown white or green tents in a camp in a dream represent the graves of martyrs. Yellow represents strain, sickness, repentance, a son, or it could mean chivalry.
(Also see Flag; Garment)
Each color has its own meaning: You will have increased security and success. You will be free of worry, and you can expect help from others. You should control your temper. Expect news from afar or plan for a journey. You will experience a stagnant period. You will have some small disappointments. Delays will occur. Surprising success is coming your way. Achievement will be gained only after a series of setbacks and struggle. This color promises success in all areas of your life. This color is an unhappy omen, unless connected with a funeral, in which case it predicts that you will have difficulties to overcome.
Colors explain feelings that can provide important information about the dreamers emotional state. According to some dream researchers, people who dream in color are more temperamental than those who dream in black-and-white. Working with colors in a dream may refer to covering up something that you don’t like. (See also specific colors.)
Equates with a spectrum of expression, the colors of the rainbow. What shades are the colors? Vibrant primaries or soft pastels? Does one color stand out in a drcam that is otherwise monochrome? Your response to the color(s) is important. Is it pleasing or disquieting? The following lists specific colors
In many dreams where color predominates, there are usually strong feelings, as in the example. This suggests colors depict emotions and feeling tones. Where a dreamer is largely intellectual or out of touch with their feelings, the color would stand in the place of the emotion, instead of alongside it as with Elise D. Example: “I was standing in a very beautifully carved chapel or religious place. There seemed to be shadowy nun- or monklike figures around. But it was the exquisite coloring of the place that filled me with a sort of ecstasy. Everything was in the most delicate shell pink.” (Elise D.) White is the most frequently mentioned color in the collection of dreams used for this book. Black is next, then blue.