Theresa Cheung Interpretation: If you dream you have a cold, the most logical explanation is that you are literally feeling cold because you have kicked off your bedclothes. On the other hand, you may be feeling run down and your dreaming mind is urging you to give your immune system a boost with plenty of rest, good food and gentle exercise to prevent you succumbing to a cold.
If you are having a stroke in your dream, is there an area of your life in which you feel unable to take action and about which you are feeling particularly frustrated? If you dream that you have cancer or some other lifethreatening disease, it is unlikely that you actually have the disease in question. However, if you are concerned and feel run down, it might be worth seeing your doctor. It is more likely that the cancer in your dream is referring to a person or a problem that is eating away at you and lowering your resistance in real life. Try to work out who or what it may be. On the other hand, you may know someone who is born under the Zodiac sign of Cancer, and the dream could be referring in some way to them.