Dream About climb

Martha Clarke Interpretation: This dream indicated that you are trying to achieve a very high goal in real life or you are trying to escape something that frightens you.

It is possible that you are about to achieve the success that you have been searching for a long time. Ambition will accompany you, but you may not be very sure of yourself. You should continue being humble and modest. In the event that you are too egotistic and climb too much, you run the risk that someone will make you fall. Arrogance will not serve you well. The walls or mountains that you should overcome symbolize obstacles of real life.

If you conquer them quickly, the dream foretells victories. On the contrary, it denotes that it will be a difficult task that will require all of your efforts. That which is not achieved at first will need a gradual ascent, and quickly will produce more satisfaction. According to Freud, dreams in which you climb are a reflection of what it costs you to please your sexual desires.

Oneiric oracles say that climbing up steps and reaching the final stretch in dreams foretells success in business.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Example: We climbed this tree, the baby as well, to see what was at the top.

The baby fell out of the tree. We climbed down and took the baby to a room and lay it on a bed. It seemed to be asleep and didn’t wake up. Later we went back to the room to see the baby but it had gone. In its place was a bluebird. As we looked the bluebird (lew away’ (dream of a nine-year-old girl).

The example shows a com­mon use of climb—to see what is there, beyond, above, out of sight.

The child is exploring growth, to see what maturity and death have in store. We also climb to avoid something; to get away, to climb out of some mess we are in, in which case it expressed effort on our pan, we climb to get something, to reach it, so this can be ambition or motivation. Climbing has risks though. Attaining new heights in work or a relationship we reach the new and face anxiety, so may have a fear of failing/falling. Climbing may also depict the first half of life, and going downhill middle or old age. Idioms: climb down; social climber.

See hill; mountain.

Pamela Ball Interpretation

1- To dream of climbing is to dream of getting away from something, possibly to escape. We may be avoiding trouble.

2- We arc trying to reach new heights in our lives, possibly having to make greater efforts than before to succeed.

3- Ascension, in the sense of climbing to achieve enlightenment, is an often perceived spiritual symbol.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Climbing upwards suggests we are trying to reach new heights in our lives, and are possibly having to make greater efforts than before to succeed. Climbing down, in the sense that it uses a different technique, suggests having to assess the risks of a change in position.

Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett Interpretation

Whether up mountains, hills, stairs, or what have you, an increase in status and/or prosperity is forecast in a climbing dream; even if the effort seemed to tax your stretch beyond endurance, you will still succeed, but only after surmounting strong opposition.

Katherine Taylor Craig Interpretation

A dream auguring successful wrestling with obstacles, and final promotion, honor, etc.

(Artemidorus). An interpretation of the character whose subconscious desire is for attainment.

Dream Meanings Anonymous Interpretation

Climbing in a dream can mean we either have a need to escape from something we perceive as dangerous, or we are aspiring toward new heights.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: To dream of climbing is to dream of getting away from something, possibly to escape. We may be avoiding trouble.

Betty Bethards Interpretation

If climbing upward you are going the right way.

If climbing down you are going the wrong direction in life.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Ascension, in the sense of climbing to achieve enlightenment, is an often perceived spiritual symbol.

Dream Explanations - Anonymous Interpretation

Dreams of climbing represent that you are gaining success and achieving success despite opposition.

Margaret Hamilton Interpretation

To advance to a higher level by one’s own abilities

Ibn Seerin Interpretation

(See Ascending in the skies)

Strong, Gerard Interpretation

Any type of climb up a mountain, a ladder, etc. means that the dreamer will overcome all the obstacles that stand in the way of attaining his objectives.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

We climb to avoid something; to get away; to climb out of some mess we are in, in which case it expresses effort on our part; we climb to get something, to reach it, so this can be ambition or motivation. But climbing has risks. Attaining new heights in work or relationship, we reach the new and face anxiety, so may have a fear of failing/falling. Climbing may also depict the first half of life, and going downhill middle or old age. We climb to see what is there, beyond, above, out of sight. Idioms: climb down; social climber. See hill; mountain.