Tony Crisp Interpretation: Example: ‘A ritual began whereby a laige knife was drawn and a few deep cuts were made to both our faces. I put my hands to my face and saw them covered with blood, crying and crying’ (OS). Similar to initiation. In the example the girl is with her boyfriend; she may thus have been ‘initiated’ into sexual activity, sex with her boyfriend has changed her image of herself.
A ritual depicts important change, such as entrance into puberty; deeper levels of oneself; new attitudes or skills; just as marnage is an entrance into a new type of life and social situation. From the wider sense of self our unconscious has, things are seen as important which consciously we feel are trivial.
A ceremony in a dream brings such things to our attention.
1- When we dream of taking part in a ceremony or religious ritual we are conscious of a new attitude or skill that is needed or an important change which is taking place in our lives.
2- Any major life change has a profound effect on the dreamer and this is very often shown in dream form as a ceremony.
3- Ceremonies and rituals are used for initiation, deeper awareness and to establish new order.
Similar to initiation. In the example, the girl is with her boyfriend. She may thus have been “initiated” into sexual activity. Sex with her boyfriend has changed her image of herself. A ritual depicts: important change, such as entrance into puberty; deeper levels of oneself; new attitudes or skills, just as marriage is an entrance into a new type of life and social situation. From the wider sense of self our unconscious has, things are seen as important that we consciously feel are trivial. A ceremony in a dream brings such things to our attention. Example: “A ritual began whereby a large knife was drawn and a few deep cuts were made to both our faces. I put my hands to my face and saw them covered with blood, crying and crying.” (D.A.)