Dream About centre

Eric Ackroyd Interpretation: (see also Mandala)

(1) In your dream you may be drawn towards the centre of a city or a garden, or labyrinth, or whatever. This probably means your unconscious is beckoning you to move towards your own centre, your true self (what Jung called ‘the Self). This is the centre, not merely of your conscious mind (that is the ego), but of your total psyche. Discovering and beginning to live from the centre of vour being involves first bringing together the conscious and unconscious realms of your psyche. In other words, finding your centre is finding your wholeness and harmony: when everything in the psyche revolves around the centre, conflict and chaos have given way to peace and order.

It might be said that this is what all dream-work is about, insofar as the act of looking for the meaning of a dream involves a mutual penetration of conscious and unconscious.

(2) Another possible reason for the centre motif in your dream is that something is threatening to take you away from the nucleus of your personality, and therefore from your proper ‘destiny5. It would be wise to try to identify what that threatening something is, by entering into dialogue with it.

Pamela Ball Interpretation

also see Position

1- To dream of being at the centre of something, such as in the centre of a group of people highlights our awareness of our ability to be powerful within a situation: that everything revolves around us.

To be moving away from the centre indicates that part of our lives may be off balance.

2- Psychologically, to be at the centre, or in the middle of a situation, shows we need to be aware of both our ability to control that situation and our ability to be flexible. Moving towards the centre shows our need for integrity in our day to dav life.

3- Totality, wholeness, the origin and sacred space are symbolised.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: To dream of being at the centre of something, such as in the centre of a group of people, highlights our awareness of our ability to be powerful within a situation; that everything revolves around us.

To be moving away from the centre indicates that part of our lives may be off balance. You might like to consult the entries for point and position.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Psychologically, to be at the centre, or in the middle of a situation, shows we need to be aware of both our ability to control that situation and our ability to be flexible. Moving towards the centre shows our need for integrity in our day-to-day life.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

To be particularly conscious of the centre of any aspect of a dream indicates we are aware of a goal or objective, or perhaps even of our real self. We may need to be the centre of attention whatever the circumstances. Also consult the section on archetypes in the introduction.

Dream Meanings Anonymous Interpretation

also see Dream Dictionary: Position

To dream of one being in the centre can suggest we have become too egocentric; that we expect everything should revolve around us. On the contrary, if we are not in the centre it may infer some part of our lives are out of balance.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

In spiritual geometry, the centre of anything represents totality and wholeness.

It is the origin or beginning of everything. At this centre is ‘sacred space’.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Symbolizes the point from which everything starts. In relation to shape, it is the point from which the pattern grows.