James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver Interpretation: If one is being carried in a dream, it can indicate nurturance or a sense of dependence. Alternatively, perhaps we are simply being “carried away” by some enthusiasm.
If we are carrying something, it can represent an emotion, as in the expression “carrying a grudge.” We also talk about “carrying the day,” “carrying the ball,” or “carrying a torch” for someone.
If you dream of carrying a burden, or carrying another person, you can expect an increase in your duties and obligations.
If we dream of being carried, we may feel that we are in need of support.
It is for us to decide if this responsibility is a burden or not.
When we are prepared to ‘carry’ something we are taking spiritual responsibility – being aware of our responsibility for the world we live in perhaps. This may be either in the long-term or a short-term project.
2. If the dreamer is carrying someone, the person carried may or may not be viewed as a burden.
To be Carried by anyone in your dream is an uncertain omen—if you are Carried by a woman or by a poor person, it is a fortunate sign, not otherwise.
2. Guilt;
3. Sickness; 1. Matt. 10 38; Lev. 5:17; Num. 5:31.