If you dreamed about cannon: You don't have to agree on some conditions that will put you in a difficult situation, make you feel comfortable or upset, you can develop a better strategy while there is still time, You don't have to buy luxuries or spend a lot of money to show yourself off. To see a cannon in a dream means that you have a fighting mood and will achieve success. It is also a sign of seeing the fruits of their labor.
For a young woman to hear or see cannons, denotes she will be a soldier’s wife and will have to bid him godspeed as he marches in defense of her and honor.
The reader will have to interpret dreams of this character by the influences surrounding him, and by the experiences stored away in his subjective mind.
If you have thought about cannons a great deal and you dream of them when there is no war, they are most likely to warn you against struggle and probable defeat. Or if business is manipulated by yourself successful engagements after much worry and ill luck may ensue.
A cannon being fired: you have to face a highly unpleasant situation; be careful so you can avoid an accident. Hearing the sound of cannon shots: good news. Seeing a cannon ball: getting out of a dangerous situation.
See Ball.
Depth Psychology: The cannon is a symbol of male aggression and reckless sexual passions. In a woman’s dream, it means fear of sexual aggression or a sign that she lets her partner control and humiliate her.
See Weapon.
If the dreamer is armed with a cannon, the dream may have two different interpretations. On one hand, she is sufficiently prepared to solve a particular problem. On the other hand, she wants to violently finish a situation she is unable to control.
If the barrel points toward the dreamer, it indicates excessive fear of a threat that cannot be avoided.
The oneiric meaning of the cannon is, of course, war, broken balances, and associations. Instead, to hear it is a sign of ruin.
A symbol for immense, massive energy. This dream image may also refer to your personal drive and power, force, and ability for achievement. Either you carry out your actions too strongly or not strongly enough.
If you were shot out of a cannon, you can expect some exciting experiences with the opposite sex.
If the dream featured cannonballs, you can expect some delightful experiences with the opposite sex.
See also Guns.
A man who has this dream will be unsettled.
See Breakdown/Breakthrough Dreams.
A stationary cannon, with the cannonballs piled beside it, means opportunity
To dream that you hear the firing of guns or muskets is a certain sign of some vexatious disappointment.
To see or hear a cannon warns the dreamer of struggles not necessarily war, but obviously included.
1. Word play loose cannon; James 3:5-6 (2) Anger; Rom. 16:18; Col. 2:4; (4) Eccl. 8:4;
2. Strength, ability to defend oneself.
Victorious in warfare, whether spiritual or literal
Spiritual weaponry
balls, of: aggressive destructive desires to avoid situations you find uncomfortable.
being fired: quick reactions wil avoid an accident.
hearing a: the deception of fleeting relationship wil be exposed as meaningless.
man dreaming of hearing a, fired: overcome risks before entering into a project.
woman: wil marry a military man at great expense to your emotions.
military man firing a: marriage to a beautiful girl who wil dump you emotional y.
of: wil be cal ed upon to defend your country.
woman dreaming of a: are desperate to make an impression on your partner.
very powerful attack (func); see General/Gun.
Cannons in dreams often indicate a precarious situation in real life. In addition, the unconscious uses this image, which strikes fear and terror in the soul,,to remind us to be more assertive in life. (See also “Shotgun” and “Rifle.”)
Ability to influence people by gently using my authority rather than always making heavy-handed judgments on moral issues
represents explosive aspects to one’s life May even mean the dreamer’s own personality
This predicts war, conflict or quarrels.