Dream About breakfast lunch supper

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: If the foods in your dream are breakfast foods such as cereal and toast, these may suggest your attitude to a new project. It is worth recalling how these foods were eaten. Was there an atmosphere of calm or was the meal rushed? This can have implications for how you are feeling about a new stage in your life.

Alternatively, your mind may already be thinking ahead about what to make for breakfast in the morning. It is not uncommon for your fleeting thoughts to be incorporated into your dream.

If a lunch features in your dreams, this implies a need to take time out from your daily efforts to revitalize yourself. The appearance of a dream lunchbox could be urging you to get as much done as possible or economize financially.

Supper pertains to a need to revitalize and energize yourself, whereas dinner connotes your main source of nourishment. The dinnerware used will portray your personal perspective towards nourishing yourself. A dinner dance suggests the joyful, nourishing benefits. A dining room usually suggests a concentrated and enjoyable manner of being nourished, whereas a dining car corresponds to a need to pay attention to your emotional needs whilst on your life journey.

If you enjoy a snack in your dream this implies rejuvenation or the re-energizing of yourself.