Dream About boulders rocks

Dr. Michael Lennox Interpretation: Universal Landscape: Primitive memory.

Dreaming Lens: Were you dreaming of pebbles, rocks, stones, boulders, or even larger formations? Were these helpful objects, such as tools or building materials? Were they obstacles, such as a block in your path or an impediment to reaching a desired destination? Were they an annoyance, or actually in a position to cause harm?

Personal Focus: Rocks act as the memory for our planet. By examining their elemental makeup and physical structure, scientists can understand the history of the Earth. The fossil records left in rock formations literally describe our planet’s journey through time. Seen in this light, even the stones and pebbles you find in your back yard are symbolic of the ancient past and the secrets of how we came to be in this vast universe.

At the beginning of civilization, early man made tools out of stone. This same material was used later by more sophisticated cultures to create buildings. The remains of these objects and structures serve as symbols of the memory of the evolution of the human race.

Whenever stones, rocks, or boulders are prominent in a dream, you may be connecting on some level to a primal image rooted in the distant past. On a more mundane level, the past that is being represented by this image may be your own personal history. To begin your interpretation, examine the role or function the rock(s) or boulder(s) are playing in your dream. If you are using a rock as a tool or a weapon, your activity should be interpreted on its own merit, with the added element of history, memory, or a sense of the primitive. This same perspective should be added to a dream image of constructing something with stone, with the primary meaning being that which you associate with the thing itself: Something made of stone is built to last forever.

Rocks or boulders can represent obstacles or challenges if they obstruct your way or present you with some amount of danger. If this is the case, what may be blocking you in your waking life could be material that is deeply imbedded in your unconscious. Examine areas where you may be holding fast to old ideas that no longer serve you. Painful memories can often seem like insurmountable obstacles or enormous boulders that appear to be immovable. If this describes your dream experience, it may be time to let go of outdated notions that still have the power to hold you back from fuller self-expression.

Dr. Mıchael Lennox Interpretation

You may be blocked in your life by things from your past. Rocks act as the primitive memory for our planet, and to dream of boulders and rock formations is to be connecting on some level to primal imagery rooted in the distant past. On a more mundane level, the past that is being represented by this image may be your own personal history. Rocks or boulders can represent obstacles or challenges if they obstruct your way or present you with some amount of danger.

If this is the case, what may be blocking you in your waking life could be material that is deeply imbedded in your unconscious. Examine areas where you may be holding fast to old ideas that no longer serve you. Painful memories can often seem like insurmountable obstacles or enormous boulders that appear to be immovable.