Dream About bird types

Marsha Trimble Dunstan Interpretation:

(Look at characteristics and stories/myths of the bird). blue jay: false prophet (char); arrogant (char). chick: children of God (see Luke 13:34); girl (as in slang for a girl). chicken: see Themes/Animals and Creatures/Chicken or Hen. crane: does not seek deep things of God (stays in shallow water). crows, black: mocker, harasser (see Proverbs 30:17). dove: innocent (see Song of Solomon 1:15); Holy Spirit/God’s Word (see Matthew 3:16; John 1:32-33); moaning (see Isaiah 38:14; Ezekiel 7:16). eagle: see Themes/Animals and Creatures/Eagle. falcon: ability to see/understand (see Job 28:7); minister/priest/leader (see Job 39:26); false revelation (not an eagle); minister/priest/leader who is a predator (see Job 28:7); someone who may use the ability to see/understand as a predator (see Job 28:7). hawk: false revelation (not an eagle [true prophets are eagles; see Exodus 19:4; Isaiah 40:31]); see Themes/Animals and Creatures/Hawk. hen: see Themes/Animals and Creatures/Hen. hummingbird: peace (as in “humming indicates peacefulness”); harassing (as in “always flitting around”). loon: something/someone loony or crazy (play on words). magpie: speaking loud and falsely [legalism, control, witchcraft] (char); grabbing at shiny things (char). owl: wisdom (as in “wise as an owl”); false (see Psalm 102:6; Isaiah 34:11); creature of the night (char). pigeon: sometimes represents a dove (see Genesis 15:9; Leviticus 1:14; dove: peace), carrier (char—carrier pigeon); unclean scavenger (func). quail: provision from God (see Exodus 16:13; Psalm 105:40); provision from man [sea] (see Numbers 11:31); provision taken away before it can be consumed (see Exodus 11:33; Matthew 13:4). raven: provision from God (see 1 Kings 17:4-6); will peck out the eye that mocks and scorns (see Proverbs 30:17). robin: perseverance; compassion/a good nurturer (char—of most birds, including robins; see Deuteronomy 22:6); the promise of spring or a new beginning (char). rooster: pride (see Luke 22:59-62; Peter’s pride in himself fell when he heard the cock crow); to dominate (see Proverbs 30:31). sparrow: God’s care/provision to those who feel unworthy (see Matthew 10:29-31). sparrow, fluttering: will not rest (see Proverbs 26:2); a curse without cause will not alight (see Proverbs 26:2). swallow, darting: will not rest (see Proverbs 26:2); a curse without cause will not alight (see Proverbs 26:2). swan: grace (char); lifelong relationship (char). thrush: cry out (see Isaiah 38:14). vulture: see Themes/Animals and Creatures/Vulture.