If you dreamed that you were the Prime Minister: you may not want to spend time in your family environment, you can progress rapidly in the matters of your interest. If a person dreams that he is the prime minister (prime minister) of the country he lives in; He gets tired that his deteriorated business will be fixed, his rank and prestige will increase. If the person dreams that he is the prime minister; It is interpreted that your happiness and peace will increase many times over. According to some scholars: Seeing a prime minister in a dream; It indicates that your income will increase and you will receive happy news. To see that you are a prime minister in your dream is a sign of great power that you miss with pain, clean profit that you dream of after your mistakes, money that you dream of with trouble as a negative meaning, clean income that is deserved by falling into trouble. If you had a dream about becoming a prime minister You should stay in the background as much as possible and avoid important decisions.