Dream About baton

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation: Psychological / emotional perspective: If the dream is of a drum baton or stick, the dream may represent the need for self-expression in a more forceful way than normal.

A baton such as those used in relay races is representative of the passing on of information or responsibility. This, of course, returns it to its original meaning, more pertinent to dreams.

Pamela Ball Interpretation

1- If the dream is of a police baton, then it can represent authority or male sexualitv.

If however the dream is of a drum baton or stick, the dream may represent the need for self- expression in a more forccful way than normal.

3- Spiritual authority can be symbolised by the baton helping us to find the way we need to progress.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Symbolic of spiritual authority and rhythm, the baton is a tool to enable us to proceed in an orderly manner, under the control of a higher authority.

A musical conductor’s baton suggests this interpretation.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Gives gender-specific: In a woman’s dream the baton can suggest perfect timing, whereas in a man’s dream it is more likely to suggest authority.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: If the dream is of a police baton, then it can represent authority or male sexuality and our attitudes to them.

Garuda Interpretation

Vision + Depth Psychology: Either a project is not going well or you would like to have more influence over it.

Klaus Vollmar Interpretation

See Rod.

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Ability to grasp the impheations of my individual responsibility so I can help ensure that a collective ambition is achieved

Mary Summer Interpretation

characterizes an arrogant or egotistical personality