Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- To be carrying extra baggage in a dream we may be carrying an extra load, either emotional or practical. We may be expecting too much of ourselves or of others. We are carrying past hurt or trauma.
2- The dreamer is under some psychological stress, and may have to dccidc projects or feelings can be left behind in waking life.
3- An indication of the dreamer’s feelings of sorrow can manifest in dreams as baggage. However, sorrow, like baggage, may be lost as casilv as it is taken on board it is well worth the dreamer remembering this.
If you lost it, or were unable to locate it, an unexpected inheritance is indicated for you or someone close to you.
Baggage being roughly handled or dropped is a warning against incurring debts.
Having your luggage carried for you suggests happy changes ahead.
See also Travel*
The type of baggage will be important, bulky suitcases being less easily dealt with than a simple bag.
The spiritual implication is that you are perhaps holding on to inherited or learned ideas, beliefs and concepts which are for you no longer valid.
Psychological / emotional perspective: You are under some psychological stress and may have to decide that some projects or feelings can be left behind in waking life. When you have been carrying luggage or baggage in a dream and find it has disappeared, you have successfully dealt with the problem.
Material aspects: To be carrying extra baggage in a dream suggests that you may be carrying an extra load, either emotional or practical. You are expecting too much of yourself or of others and are carrying past hurt or trauma, possibly from as far back as childhood.
Unnecessary trips, programs or thought forms you carry around to define who you are; excess trivia and clutter. Often humorously presented, baggage means making something difficult that is really quite easy.
2. To feel overwhelmed with responsibilities, obligations.
3. Self or self-worth.
Symbolic of the things people drag with them from previous relationships. Baggage is also symbolic of God forcing someone to move, Ezek. 12:6
Heavy burdens that are sometimes unnecessary; research color and material for more clarity
See Luggage.
see Luggage
bags, paper: reluctance to face up to impending dangers.
tote: have everything you want with you, except unexpected company.
car, in a: unexpected money.
carrying only one: many debts are incurred.
heavy: your lifestyle is too excessive, your workload is heavy; keep your spirits light.
lighter than expected: you need to exert yourself; defining you is not easy.
others, your: your dependence could prove positive.
several: treachery from a friend, overwork from an enemy.
empty: valuables wil be in an odd place, behind something.
find your, unable to: others provoke you and cause you to fail.
house, inside the: cancel your trip; change your locks.
leather: be wary of the envy of those you meet on unexpected trip.
losing your: you feel il -equipped to face the situation.
other’s: misfortune from unexpected company.
putting things in a: you are not contributing your fair share.
room, being inside a: a trip has been cancel ed.
rummaging through: your character is sound beneath al the trivial clutter.
stealing: you are avaricious toward others’ possessions.
street, on the: abundant burdens await you, as your belongings wil be stolen.
throwing away: contents wil return to haunt you.
wagon, on a: you are making something hard that is quite simple.
see General/Bag.
Ability to convey the unrealized hopes and ambitions I carry around with me, even though they can often weigh me down
means excesses in one’s life; a carrying of unnecessary aspects, possibly referring to attitudes, beliefs, material possessions, etc
When ever we are being held down in any form in our life we dream of baggage. It’s possible somebody in your life is weighing you down. You might need to get rid of that “Baggage” that you have been carrying for a long time. Try and reflect on the people in your life that you have trouble dealing with. The person in your dream who is with you suggests that the person is responsible for bringing you down.