Dream About autumn

If you have seen Autumn in your dream: Do not avoid facing the questions asked of you, your traditionalist attitudes may cause you to experience tension with your loved ones. Seeing autumn in a dream indicates that the person who sees the dream will be depressed, unhappy and a troubled period. If an old person or a person with health problems sees this dream, it is interpreted that he has come to the end of his life, and the dreamer will not have the joy and desire to live. Seeing autumn in one's dream is a harbinger of disappointment, that his dreams will fall into the water and that he will not find what he hoped for, that there will be no peace and happiness in his home for a married person, that problems will arise and separation. It is said that the dream owner will go through a difficult and troubled period and his business will deteriorate. To see autumn in a dream indicates that there will be very good developments in the life of the person who sees the dream, that his troubles will come to an end and he will find peace. It indicates that the happiness of the dream owner will be short-lived.

Seeing autumn in a dream is interpreted as sadness, distress and grief. While it points to both material and spiritual losses that the dreamer will experience, it also signifies heart relationships that will end with sadness and goodbye.

To see autumn in your dream indicates that you will lead an unhappy and depressed life, old and sick people will come to the end of their lives, the joy of life will decrease and the person will not enjoy life as before. Autumn indicates that there will be events that will cause the end of hopes, that it will not be able to recover and regain its former state due to losses, that unrest and conflicts in marriages will increase and divorce decisions will be taken. It expresses that this process will be very difficult for the person, as he is not tired of good deeds, and he must stand strong, persevere and wait patiently to get through this period.

If the person suddenly sees that autumn is coming, the leaves are falling, and it is not really autumn, he will receive the news of the death of a loved one. To see that autumn is coming in a dream also indicates that everything will be on time and in its right place in one's life, that he will reach his goal in easy ways without having to worry about anything and without having to be patient, and his income from his current job will increase constantly.

Martha Clarke Interpretation

A serene season suggesting peace and melancholy. Autumn invites reflection, knowledge, inner maturation. After the splendor of summer, this season inspires some elegant decadence. Gradually, the winter is approaching, or the end of life, which is the same. Autumn given to introspection, allows you to face this inescapable end positively valuing that which you have had, without thinking about what you will soon lack. Consequently, this dream urges you to use knowledge and past experiences to solve the problems of the present. Dreams that refer to this season of falling leaves are often related to the next stage of life before old age or a fear of the arrival of that stage. These dreams usually occur to people of middle age, and although they are often melancholy, rarely are they deeply sad. They symbolize a reconciliation of age as a natural part of the cycle of nature.

Eric Ackroyd Interpretation

(1) Autumn is the transition from summer and harvest-time to winter, the season of death. It may therefore symbolize the ending of (a particular kind of) achievement; a time to stop getting and concentrate on being; maturity.

Autumn is also a time for tidying the garden and digging in manure for new growth in the following year. So in the process of personal development the message of autumn may be that the cessation of some kinds of activity is a prelude to growth in other areas of one’s life; and that accumulated ‘rubbish’ - non-productive or counter-productive habits and attitudes — must be got rid of, to make way for new growth.

(2) The occurrence of autumnal scenes in your dreams may coincide with your own ‘autumn years’, the second half of life.

If so, remember that trees bear fruits in autumn, and autumn has a beauty of its own.

Theresa Cheung Interpretation

Dreams dealing with the autumn mean that a series of ups and downs may be experienced, but the transformations that are felt may be crucial to your personal growth. This time may represent a maturing of your ideas. It is also a time when one cycle ends and trees bear fruit, so it may suggest the fruition of a plan.

Autumn may also symbolize middle age. Bear in mind too that Keats’s ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ conjures up images of poetry even in dreams.

If you dream of autumn your dreaming mind is urging you to reap what you sow and appreciate your blessings.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Example: ‘My husband was in a wheelchair, I was pushing him along a promenade. At the end of the prome­nade was a path which we took.

The path went along the top of a cliff.

The sea below was pretty rough, a typical autumn day at the seaside. All of a sudden the path came to an end’ (Mrs C). Mrs C had this dream at a time when she staned her own business, against her husband’s wishes, and one week before he walked out on her. Autumn here depicts her sense of something ending. Can also be: ‘the autumn of one’s life’; mellow feelings.

Nancy Wagaman Interpretation

Maturity of a person, project, relationship, or anything that goes through a life cycle.

The “winding down” of a phase or cycle.

The beginning of a learning process, a new job, a new activity or project, or something else (since autumn is often a time of new beginnings, such as the school year).

Wistfulness, reminiscing, or inner reflection.

Consider also the events in the dream and what autumn means to you personally.

See also: Time of Year; Time Frame; Weather

Pamela Ball Interpretation

1- We are being made conscious of the sense of something coming to an end. We recognise that the good in a situation can be brought in and made use of, but the rest must be given up.

2- Psychologically, we need to consider the cvclcs that occur in our own lives and whether some of these can be brought to an end.

3- The autumn of one’s life with the mellow feelings and all that old age brings - is symbolised by Autumn appearing in a dream.

Astro Center Interpretation

If you have the dream in autumn, then the season has no significance and serves only as background.

But if you dream of autumn at another time of year, and other symbols in the dream are hurried, this is a signal that time is passing and something in your life needs immediate attention.

All other dreams of autumn are positive, signifying friendly forces supporting and protecting you.

James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver Interpretation


The autumn season has mixed associations. On the one hand, the fall is traditionally harvest time, indicating a sense that one is finally reaping the benefits of prior efforts. On the other hand, it is associated with a winding down of energies before the barrenness of winter, as in the expression “the autumn of one’s life.”

Dream Explanations - Anonymous Interpretation

If your dream takes place in autumn, then this represents introspection, intuition, preparation, depth of feeling, maturity, middle age, and that you are gathering things together and moving inward. This dream is giving you the permission to reap the rewards of your labor and focus on being instead of doing.

See West and Middle Age.

Gustavus Hindman Miller Interpretation

For a woman to dream of Autumn, denotes she will obtain property through the struggles of others.

If she thinks of marrying in Autumn, she will be likely to contract a favorable marriage and possess a cheerful home.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: We are being made conscious of the sense of something coming to an end. We recognize that the good in a situation can be ‘brought in’ and made use of, but the rest must be given up.

Gillian Holloway Interpretation

Happiness through understanding is foretold by a dream of being married in autumn.

To meet a lover in the autumn forest, with the leaves of the trees brightly colored, is a sure sign of success in love.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Psychologically by recognizing the cycles of growth and decay that occur in our own lives, we learn that some of these can be brought to fruition without harm.

Klaus Vollmar Interpretation

Time for harvesting and utilizing, a time of becoming aware about life, reaching new goals. Allow yourself peace and quiet, reflect on your circumstances. Harvest, maturity, success, and prosperity.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Symbolically autumn signifies a time of introspection when we can gain benefit from previous actions. We have the advantage of experience and maturity.

Margaret Hamilton Interpretation

The falling and dying of leaves is an indication that some part of one’s life is doing the same

Internet Archive - Anonymous Interpretation

There are unfortunate and hostile influences around you. Walk warily and you may avoid them.

myjellybean Interpretation

To dream of autumn means that you will benefit from the hard work of others.

Patrica Telesco Interpretation

(see Leaves, Seasons)

Tyler Wolfe Interpretation

Time to work, Prov. 20:4

Betty Bethards Interpretation

See Season.

Zolar Interpretation

lucky numbers: 16-21-22-24-45-50

in the: a harvesting of rewards from unexpected sources.

of: withdrawal from your surroundings.

in the spring: unfriendly influences nearby.

summer: many ups and downs.

winter: love for a person is dying.

Jean Boushahla Interpretation

(See seasons)

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Natural opportunity to use my accumulated wisdom to realize what I no longer need so I can transform it into new beginnings

Mary Summer Interpretation

(season) means a time to reflect

Julie Gillentine Interpretation

The period of harvest when the flowers turn to fruits and the rewards (or failure of the crop) is reaped.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

“The autumn of one’s life”; mellow feelings; gradual but often pleasant decline; maturity; middle age; past the prime; a period of change when the old order of things is fading away, and the new has not shown itself; might be a time of harvesting what has grown or been developed in previous years or months; autumn in one’s dream may also suggest a time that is not good for active creativity, but more suited to “being” rather than “doing.” The falling leaves of autumn may therefore remind the dreamer that many attitudes or outworn—no longer necessary—ways of living and working are falling away and should not be held on to. Autumn leaves: old memories, skills, attitudes, things you have developed in life that are no longer performing a useful function due to the changes happening. They can therefore be dropped. If the dreamer is in middle age: represents these years of your life. The details of the dream show what you intuitively feel about these years and what can arise from them. It is therefore helpful to see if you can understand this season of your life and what it brings. It may be a time to rest and let go of some of the outer activities of the past.