Dream About arrested

Pamela Ball Interpretation: also see Authority Figures in People

1- To dream of being arrested suggests the restraint of one’s natural self-expression by moral judgements or questions of right or wrong from other people, lo dream of arresting someone else would indicate our instinctive disapproval of that part of ourselves which is represented by that person in the dream.

2- Psychologically, we are unsure of our motives in an action we are contemplating. We should slop and carefully consider our behaviour before we act.

3- There is a need for authority.

myjellybean Interpretation

If you dream the police are arresting you for a crime of which you are innocent, you will successfully win out over your rivals.

If you are guilty of the crime in your dream though, it foretells that a season of unfortunate incidents is ahead of you. Dreams of seeing others arrested means you want to make changes in your life, but you are nervous about not succeeeding.

Gustavus Hindman Miller Interpretation

To see respectable-looking strangers arrested, foretells that you desire to make changes, and new speculations will be subordinated by the fear of failure.

If they resist the officers, you will have great delight in pushing to completion the new enterprise.

See Prisoner.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

There are times when spiritually we are aware we are not acting according to our own beliefs. There is a need for a higher authority and we need to be stopped from coming to harm or creating problems. That higher authority is often the moral or spiritual aspect of ourselves.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: When in everyday life we are unsure of our motives in an action we are contemplating, dreaming of being arrested suggests we should stop and carefully consider our behaviour before we act.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: When we dream of being arrested, there may be a lack of integrity or good judgement.

To dream of arresting someone else would indicate our instinctive disapproval of certain actions.

Betty Bethards Interpretation

Loss of freedom; prevented from moving ahead. Take responsibility for actions and attitudes which have created the particular situation; change them into positive new understanding.

Dream Explanations - Anonymous Interpretation

Dreams of being arrested symbolize a fear of being caught, found out, discovered, and punished. This dream can also reflect that you are blaming and judging others.

Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin Interpretation

1. Fear of being caught for something one has done se­cretly.

2. Fears of medical problems (cardiac arrest).

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Suggests a restraint of one s easy expression by moral judgments or questions of right and wrong, guilt.

See police.

Margaret Hamilton Interpretation

Stopped from wrong or harmful behavior

Zolar Interpretation

lucky numbers: 02-13-18-19-33-38

arresting others: you disapprove of their behavior, which prevents your motivation.

others, you: have endangered their moral principles.

being: misery from blocked actions fol owed by the joy of having a conscience.

others: be warned not to take chances until attitudes are in line.

and released: unexpected and sudden success with new comprehension of the positive.

Georg Fink Interpretation

Being arrested, or seeing someone else being arrested, in a dream is a message to stop making I nasty remarks about others befau»*-they just might backfire. SuchS dream could also indicate tjiat you feel too attached to the people around you and want to break free. (See also “Forest” and “Wandering About.”)

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Opportunity to slow down an out-of-control and fast-moving situation by reflecting on my personal responsibilities

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Suggests a restraint of self-expression by moral judgments or questions of right and wrong; restraint of one’s anger or sexuality, or other “unlawful” feelings; a circumstance holding one back; heldback development or growth; a fear arising from a fearful relationship with authority or politics—such as is often dreamt by people who have survived harsh political regimes and terror of being arrested. See policeman/woman.

Common Source

Being arrested by police in your dream suggests somewhere in your life you are being “detained” metaphorically speaking. Authority figures appear in our dreams to either warn us of our ways we are not aware, or something will stop your progress from advancing in your waking life. If your hands are cuffed that might suggest it being work related. Your actions where being watched and the next step with be the court. Being confined in a cell might suggest lack of growth and you might very well be put before a judge.