Tony Crisp Interpretation:
Being a god: you are always the hero of your life. You are the central character of your drama of experience. As such, you are the deed-doer, the hero or fallen god, especially when the dream is portraying dramatic life events; this may suggest dangerous overconfidence. God in a dream can depict several things: a set of emotions we use to deal with anxiety—i.e., our belief that a higher power is in charge, so therefore we are okay in the world and are not responsible, thus an escape from responsibility; a parent image from early infancy; a set of moral or philosophical beliefs one holds; self-judgment; something/someone we worship; a feeling of connection with humanity; an expression of the fundamental creative/destructive process in oneself; a sense of one’s living interaction or relationship with all beings and the universe. The powerful emotions we sometimes experience about God may well be connected with tremendous childhood need for love and approval from parents. But equally as likely is that the immense feelings we have about meeting God in a dream may express the wonder and perhaps terror we experience in meeting the enormity of realizing we are an expression of the creative universe. As the ego melts and realizes itself as the One Great Life, undifferentiated, there can no longer be a real sense of separation. See the self under .