Ian Wallace Interpretation:
A parent symbolizes a fundamental sense of security and the authority to develop your potential as a person lovingly. Dreaming of being involved in an angry confrontation with a parent indicates that you feel conflicted about developing this aspect of your potential because you feel you need the permission of others to proceed. Rather than feeling resentful that no one is giving you permission to proceed, take responsibility for your own actions and potential. When you reflect on your own self-judgements, inner conflicts and self-jeopardization strategies, you are less likely to get involved in external conflicts with others. As an act of self-care and self-kindness, think about those times when you need to give yourself approval to develop some aspect of your unique potential. It may seem selfish to look after your own needs before the needs of others, but that is misguided. A deep-rooted sense of obligation can result in a situation in which you feel that others are making unfair demands on your time and resources. This leads to a frustration that can be dreamed as a kidnap scenario.
Aspect of my character that helps me to move beyond any disappointments by giving me the authority to develop my unique potential