Theresa Cheung Interpretation: If you dream that you are having an anesthetic or are being put to sleep for an operation, this suggests that you may be trying to escape reality in some way in waking life or attempting to deaden some emotional pain. There may be something in life you don’t want to face or simply want to forget about for a while. The answer may be simple as taking a much-needed vacation. To be having an injection in your dream indicates the need to inject more enthusiasm into your life.
If the idea of inoculation or vaccination is present as well, you may want to protect yourself from intrusive emotions or unwanted urges.
Injections imply healing and protection, so this dream may be trying to show you how to become emotionally fit. Bear in mind that the syringe is also a phallic symbol, so your dream may have sexual connotations. Although much disliked and feared, the syringe is generally a benign symbol in dreams that work for your benefit. It emphasizes the message that in life, sometimes a little hardship and pain is needed for the greater good.