Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Floating half submerged by the river bank, the crocodile swims in the murky waters of the unconscious, projecting an image of danger with its jaws and an image of hypocrisy with its tears.
If crocodiles appear and the atmosphere is pleasant in your dream, then they may be a symbol of being comfortable in your own skin. Your unconscious may be reminding you of the importance of timing and focusing your energy so you are ready to seize the moment when it comes.
On the other hand, crocodiles also represent the hazards that may lie beneath the surface of a seemingly harmless situation, so the crocodile may be alerting you to a potential problem and urging you to trust your instincts. When it comes to hunting prey, crocodiles and alligators are masters of disguise, so if they feature in your dream, ask yourself what aspect of yourself you are disguising in real life. Consider also if someone you know is shedding crocodile tears.
If an alligator appears in your dream, it may represent problems that have appeared suddenly as if from nowhere and knocked your sense of balance.
If you’re battling an alligator in your dream, it means you are dealing with an intense situation that has upset your world.