Eric Ackroyd Interpretation: (see also Sea) (1) The sea may represent your mother.
If you need to assert your independence from your mother, therefore, the dream may mean that rescue is at hand - rescue from the possessive psychological grip of your mother.
See also Mother.
(2) The sea may represent the feminine in genera]. In this case your dream may be drawing your attention to (the need for) some remedy for an imbalance in your psyche caused, for example, by insufficient assertiveness.
See also Woman; and see pages 46-49 on anima / animus.
(3) The sea may be a symbol of the unconscious. In this case, the aircraft in the dream may symbolize reason rescuing you from a hitherto uncontrolled sea of emotions - uncontrolled because unrecognized and repressed.
NB To be ‘rescued from the unconscious’ means only to put an end to a situation in which vour life is being determined and shaped by forces outside vour control (a situation symbolized bv drowning). It does not mean that the unconscious is itself a negative, harmful thing. On the contrary, it is vour unconscious that is telling vou - in the dream - that something has gone wrong in your life and what you must do to put vour house in order.
(4) For Jung the first stage of the individuation process is the establishing of the person’s individual ego-identity, and this involves a struggle of consciousness to lift itself out of the all-encompassing darkness of unconscious existence.
See also Drowning.
Feeling at the mercy of powerful natural forces— emotions—that you are not dealing well with, otherwise you would not need to be rescued; difficulty in dealing with the demands of life generally, and a dangerous attraction to sinking or giving up; if you are seeing or actively helping in an air-sea rescue, this suggests an action to deal with feelings that might otherwise engulf you. See sea.