Dr. Mıchael Lennox Interpretation: Any dream that involves celebrities or the milieu of the rich and famous connects you to that part of your consciousness that aspires to higher expression of your humanity.
The world of films relates to your creative impulses, and the Academy Awards in a dream reveals a powerful desire to be recognized for your gifts and talents in a very public way. This may be an over- inflation of self-worth to make up for feelings of inadequacy or a very real need to make yourself more visible in your world.
If the famous people were ignoring you in your dream, it’s a sign that you need to reduce your obligations and activities, and focus on what’s really important to your heart.
If the dream was negative (upsetting or scary), this may be a warning of false friends.
If you won an award in the dream, it’s a sign that your friendships are reliable.
2. If one is up for the award but does not win, then this may confirm one’s feelings of inadequacy.