Tony Crisp Interpretation:
Also a new phase of life; a new idea; new activity—as when we say someone has a new baby, meaning new project or business. Often this “baby” is a part of the personality or ability that did not have a chance to “be born” or expressed before. Or it may be things learned in a rich life. Aborted baby: something lost that had been developing, such as a new facet of self, a relationship, or a new opportunity. If in a pregnant woman’s dream, usually it is an expression of fears regarding the ability to carry the child to full term—but it is wise to have a checkup. See . Adult body with baby head: an approach to life in which your thinking is still immature, even though you are physically mature. Adopted baby: adopting a new stance in life, perhaps conceived by or seen in someone else; taking on the responsibility of something or someone that needs care and help to grow; if you are trying to adopt a baby it would reflect feelings or intuitions about this activity. Baby body with adult head: an adult intellect and rational thinking, or an adult self, but with emotional and sexual immaturity. Beautiful, gifted, or holy baby: emergence of a wider awareness, greater personal insight. It can show the emergence of previously unconscious parts of yourself. Boy baby: birth or emergence of a new phase of self-expression in terms of activity or achievement. In a male’s dream, may suggest a new self emerging, or new aspects of self. Crying baby: your fundamental needs are not being met, or were not met in the past. These include basic things like feeling happy and relaxed in one’s environment, feeling wanted and loved, having a sense of connection with other people. There may be something distressing you at a feeling/needing level that you are not acknowledging; a new project or aspect of self needing more care. Dropping a baby: carelessness in dealing with your basic needs, especially in relationship; mishandling an opportunity; betraying trust; feeling you have been “dropped” by someone, perhaps in a relationship; abortion. Girl baby: birth or emergence of new aspects of feelings and feeling relationship with others. But in a female’s dream, may mean an emergence of a new phase or a new start in her life. Happy baby: feeling at ease with oneself and surroundings. It may be that something has happened in a relationship or environment that brings a deeper level of relaxation and sense of security. See pregnancy; birth dreams during pregnancy.